| | ENG
17 May 2011
2010/11 Financial Budget

In my last Budget I pointed out that the Government would play the role as a "champion" in furthering economic integration. We will continue to make the best of Hong Kong's modernisation and internationalisation, and capitalise on the "China advantage".

Specifically, we can support the development strategy of the Mainland by further developing Hong Kong into a knowledge-based and high value-added economy. At the international level, the Mainland has been actively promoting quality growth and encouraging enterprises to reach out to the international market. Hong Kong can provide a platform for the Mainland's enterprises to expand overseas. We can also make use of our strengths to help these enterprises bring their management and technological standards closer to the international level. With our rich experience in international exchanges, we can assist the Mainland in building brand names and improving product image. Our service industries will emerge out of the process with broader scope and better standards. Our position as an international financial and commercial centre will also be reinforced.

