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Scope of Services

Company Set Up

  • To provide advices and assistance to the client in establishing an appropiate corporate structure, and arranging the registration of a corporate
  • To provide advices and assistance to the client in the set up in Hong Kong or other jurisdictions
  • To provide advices and assistance in obtaining licenses for specific industries, such as a travel agent license
  • To assist our clients in setting up and carrying out an applicable accounting system, including creating a chart of accounts
  • To open a bank account

Compliance and Maintenance

  • To keep statutory documents and records, and to assist a client in complying with legal requirements
  • To assign a qualified company secretary to the company of a client for a specific project or within a specific period of time
  • To provide a registered office or principle place of business, and services of acting as nominee director or nominee shareholder
  • To act as authorized representative of the Hong Kong branch for a non-Hong Kong company
  • To assist a client in handling changes of corporate information, including but not limited to changes of directors and company secretary, change of company name, change of auditor, equity transfers, capital additions, changes of constitution, change of bank account signatory, renewal of licenses and so on
  • To carry out company searches and land searches in Hong Kong or elsewhere
  • To analyse the situation of a client and provide advices on changes of registered and issued share capital, and to assist in preparing required documents and transacting procedures
  • To study the existing corporate structure and business operation of a client, and to provide advices on reorganization, such as transferring its operations, assets and liabilities from one corporation to another
  • To provide advices on winding up and settlement of assets and liabilities
  • To deregister a company and transact relevant procedures
  • To provide support or attend the procedures for winding up of a solvent company
  • To assist in visa application of overseas employees secondment to Hong Kong